New book! The Circlet Treasure Chest: Erotic Microfictions for Every Occasion

The Circlet Treasure Chest: Erotic Microfictions for Every Occasion.

ISBN 978-1-61390-122-9

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The ebook edition is also available at:, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, AllRomanceEbooks, and the iBookstore and Google Play store.

In this collection of fifty short-short erotic tales reprinted from the Circlet Press website, authors explore all permutations of sex and sexuality, pushing the boundaries of gender, theme, genre and tone. From twisted fairy tales to science fiction adventures, these stories introduce readers to worlds of sensuality and satisfaction.

There’s a little something for everyone in this treasure chest of infinite possibility, as authors conjure up stories set in the past, present and future, as they step into fantasy realms and consort with gods, dance among the stars and dabble in dark matters. Romance, horror, mystery, action and more can be found scattered throughout these offerings, each one a full story told in less than 1500 words. And of course they all come with a healthy dose of explicit sex and sensuality, as befits a Circlet collection.

Many of Circlet’s most popular and prolific contributors are represented here, including Kannan Feng, Gayle C. Straun, Julie Cox, Andrea Trask, Cèsar Sanchez Zapata, and Circlet founder Cecilia Tan.

Hot excerpt, keep reading!

“Point Man” by Cecilia Tan

There is a fatal flaw in the plan which only I know, but I can’t tell them this. In a gang of spies I have to be even more secretive than the rest. I have to game the gamers.

They think the plan is brilliant, and it is, in its way. We have the codes to infiltrate the mech suits of the enemy soldiers. We have the technology to engage their pleasure centers, their visual cortex, their imaginations. We have it all set up.

The technohorde of Darr will come charging over the hill in a matter of minutes. They think we are ready for them. Kyra is already writhing on the makeshift bed behind me. When the times comes, she will spread her legs, and every man in the Darr army will smell the scent of her, see her hot and ready before them. The higher ups expect this will stop them right in their tracks. We already have the telemetry on their cocks. We know the Darr go into battle ragingly hard. Two thousand straining hard-ons to tear down the walls of the city.

Kyra is brave. No one knows for sure if she can survive, even with all the buffering we have in place, the network backlash of being simultaneously fucked by two thousand battle-crazed Darr.

But there is something the higher ups do not know. Something they will not face. Something about our enemy they are blind to.

It is not Kyra these men are hard for.

“I’m going to the head,” I say, as I saunter out of the ready room and into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me.

I slip the network interface out of my pocket. I must time it right, inserting my own signal just before hers, if this is going to work.

If it does, the entire horde will be wiped out by our army and the city shall be saved. But I am a dead man anyway. My kind are not tolerated.

No one will call me brave.

I spread my legs and wait for two thousand men to fuck me.

To read the rest, downl… No, wait–that’s the whole story. To read the others, download the book today!

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