Capricious by Julie Cox is a finalist in the Bisexual Book Awards!

We’re very pleased to announce that not only is Circlet Press once again in the running for the Bisexual Book Publisher of the Year award (which we co-won last year with Riverdale Avenue Books), two books that we published in 2014 have snagged places in the finalist slates in the Bisexual Book Awards as well!

PrintCAPRICIOUS by Julie Cox, which was originally published as a web serial on Circlet’s website and which is now being audio-serialized on the Nobilis Erotica podcast, was published in ebook and paperback form in 2014. Capricious was previously a finalist in the Bisexual Romance category in the Rainbow Awards (but didn’t win), and it’s very exciting to see it made finalist both in Bi Erotic Fiction and in Speculative Fiction (SF/Fantasy/Horror)!

Best_Bi_SS_cover_iconsizeIn addition, our big bisexual book of the year, BEST BI SHORT STORIES edited by Sheela Lambert, also garnered a finalist slot in the Bisexual Fiction category, where it is up against some stiff competition from the likes of Emma Donoghue and Sarah Waters!

To celebrate the finalists, we’re offering both ebooks at 50% off on Circlet’s website until May 30th with the coupon code BIBOOKAWARDS !

Those of you who love seeing bisexual representation in your science fiction and fantasy might like to take the finalists lists from the SF/F/Horror category as a reading list in fact:

  1. Capricious: A Texan Tale of Love and Magic by Julie Cox, Circlet Press
  2. Climbing the Date Palm by Shira Glassman, Prizm Books/Torquere Press
  3. Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis, Amulet/Abrams
  4. The Pendragon Legacy [Book 1-Sons of Camelot series] by Sarah Luddington, Mirador Publishing
  5. That Door is a Mischief by Alex Jeffers, Lethe Press

To see the full list of finalists in all categories, visit the Bi Writers Association website where the full press release is also available:

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