New Print Edition! Like A Mask Removed: Omnibus Edition, Erotic Tales of Superheroes and Villains

Like_a_mask_POD_cover_iconsizeLike A Mask Removed: Omnibus Edition
Erotic Tales of Superheroes & Villains
Edited by Cecilia Tan & Bethany Zaiatz
$11.95 – ISBN: 9781613901120

Buy now directly from Createspace!

You don’t have to be an evil genius to figure that superheroes are hot, and not just because of the perfect bodies clad in spandex (or leather, or stylized body armor). Film adaptations of favorite superheroes continue to rise in popularity and comic book conventions are among the best-attended gatherings in the world. But as comic book creators and artists have been trumpeting for decades, comic books are not for kids. Although the battles of good versus evil and of archetypal iconic figures in struggle tug at our primal, childhood selves, these same primal urges lead us to exploring the erotic side of heroes–and villains. How could the stylized physiques and skin-tight costumes (think of the bodacious bosom of Wonder Woman or the Batman’s codpiece) common in the milieu not lead to erotic thoughts and explorations?

This Like A Mask Removed Omnibus contains both volumes of the ebook series (Volume One: Superheroes, Volume Two: Supervillains) in one sex-charged package!

Continue on for samples and to learn how you could win a free copy of this newly released edition!

Enter our Goodreads Giveaway to win one of five free copies of the print omnibus edition of Like A Mask Removed! (Giveaway ends August 31st, 2015.)

Samples: Read a sample from “Pow! Bash! Yes, Yes!” by Sophie Mouette on the ebook edition page. Listen to “A Double-Edged Bomb” by Laura P. Burka at The Nobilis Erotica Podcast.

Table of Contents:

Switch by Rae Flowers
Partners by Michael M. Jones
Star Crossed by David Hubbard
Times Square Alter Ego by Bianca Sinn
Merboy At Midnight by Tom Cardamone
Lawman by Angela Caperton
A Double-Edged Bomb by Lauren P. Burka
Invisible Touch by Erin O’Riordan
Pow! Bash! Yes, Yes! by Sophie Mouette
Those Who Favor Fire by Layla Lawlor
Jetstream by Pencildragon
Bridge Over Shifter’s Chasm by Raven Kaldera

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