Cats of Circlet IIX: Epilogue

Circlet HQ is not always the most organized place on earth. On the eighth day of A Week of Fuzziness, we have a couple photos we received early and then lost and a couple we got in the last week or so. All are awesome and fuzzy as heck.

Frequent Circlet contributor Jason Rubis submitted his photo of  Dupree fairly early, but somehow he got lost in the shuffle. He seems to be waiting his turn patiently enough…

Avery Vanderlyle  of Coffee: Hot sent us a picture of Sonnet: “She’ll be 2 in May, loves to chase toy mice down the hall and shares my chair for snuggles during breakfast.”


Bernie Mojzes, editor of The Flesh Made Word, sent us a photo of Milo and Loki sharing a pretzel.

And finally (for now) a picture from the household that started it all, Cecilia Tan, editor, publisher, author of The Prince’s Boy, among a zillion other things, sends a cat picture from Circlet HQ.

That’s it (for now), but it’s not too late to enter our caption contest! Suggest a caption for any of these (if we may be so bold, Jason and Bernie’s pictures seem particularly ripe for captioning), and win a copy of our omnibus Shapeshifter Ebook Bundle!


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