Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.
A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Nineteen: Kenet
19: Kenet
I leaned against the stone, first with my hand, then my cheek. I could climb no more. Seroi’s tower was not unsurmountable; I knew I had climbed these selfsame stairs many times before. But a leaden fatigue overcame my limbs as I passed into the curtain of incense that hung in the air as always.
I sat down heavily on the stair, my head in my hands, wondering at the sudden tiredness. I wanted to lie down, but I knew Seroi was waiting for me. And I shivered in a kind of instinctive fear of displeasing him, my skin remembering the sensation of his slap on my cheek even if I had convinced myself it had been only a dream. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 19