Welcome to Capricious by Julie Cox, a Texan tale of love and magic. NSFW.
A new chapter appears every Tuesday. This week is Chapter Fifty-Nine.
Chapter 59
Luke watched the storm coalesce out of nothing. The towering clouds swirled, swelling to greater and greater magnitude, and the wind blew around them in chaotic gusts. Lightning played around Sally, dancing through her fingertips and down her arms, to the brown-tipped mounds of her breasts, over her stomach, between her legs. She yelped and wriggled her body, black eyes wide.
“Oh,” she said, “oh what the–oh!” She spread her legs farther apart, as if caught in the middle of a jumping jack. “I’ve never done this right after sex, when I’m aroused, when I’m so aware–holy shit!” Electric lights sparked across her legs, lighting up her skin, almost from the inside out. Luke reached out and touched her; he got a small jolt, not entirely unpleasant. He scooted forward to her and raised his mouth to her clit. Continue reading Capricious: Chapter 59