Category Archives: Uncategorized

Gay Romance Bundle Teasers #2: Simulacrum

???????????????????????????????????????We’re running a steamy excerpt from each of the five volumes in our discounted Gay Romance Bundle this week. Today’s teaser is from Simulacrum by Rian Darcy.

LAPD cop Shaun Mason is investigating a missing woman. His guide through the hidden back alleys and BDSM clubs of Simulnet is shadowy hacker Lore. But how much can he actually trust him?

Chapter Five

Shaun woke the next morning to the smell of smoke.

Continue reading Gay Romance Bundle Teasers #2: Simulacrum

Gay Romance Bundle Teasers #1: Chocolatiers of the High Winds

CompassThis week we’ll be running a daily excerpt from the five books of our Gay Romance Bundle. Up first is Chapter Six of H. B. Kurtzwilde‘s Chocolatiers of the High Winds, wherein we get a look at the lead characters, Mayport and Thiervy, their airship, Bessie, and the tension between desire and secrecy that tears at them.

Chapter Six: Deconstruction

Thiervy made every use of Cully’s expertise to hurry work along on the Process. The work hours were exhausting, and they had little to offer in the way of comforts. After such a show of professionalism, Mayport could do nothing but go ahead with his plans. Even with that, he had to navigate the misgivings coming at him from all sides.

“I don’t want to seem disrespectful,” Thiervy said in a nervous tone.

Continue reading Gay Romance Bundle Teasers #1: Chocolatiers of the High Winds


ITEM THE FIRST: We have not just one but two giant sized gay male book bundles currently deeply on sale on our site–The Gay Romance Bundle and Ultimate Wired Hard.

ITEM THE SECOND: We have ANOTHER bundle sitting on deck patiently waiting its turn.

We need to give you guys a chance to check out how awesome all three bundles are. Therefore:

ITEM THE THIRD: All this week we will be running daily teasers from the Gay Romance Bundle (where by ‘teasers’ we mean long, smutty excerpts).  At the end of the week we will reveal the theme and lineup of the new bundle.

All next week we will be running daily teasers from Ultimate Wired Hard. At the end of the week, we will reveal the cover for the new bundle.

The week after next, the Currently Unrevealed Next Bundle will go on sale. We will be running daily teasers for it all that week

ITEM THE FOURTH: The sale price on the two old bundles will continue through the end of the month, then it will revert to something a little more reasonable.  DO NOT DELAY in taking advantage of these amazing deals.

ITEM THE FIFTH: Happy New Year.

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New Book: Hard as Stone: Dwarven Erotica

$4.99 ebook
ISBN: 978-1-61390-190-8
34,279 words
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Elves aren’t the only sexy ones, you know. In these modern post-Hobbit days, it is high time we culture acknowledged one simple truth: dwarves can, in fact, be smokin’ hot. From the deep, rich and remote places of the world come legends of these fascinating beings: earthen men and women, fae kings, great metal workers and miners, mighty warriors, they are compact but virile mythological figures.

In Hard as Stone, editor Julie Cox brings together erotic stories of brawny builders and earthy smiths in which love can be robust, hearty, hardworking, bearded, and short… or not, as size is relative. And it’s not the size of the hammer that matters, but how it’s used… and perhaps how beautiful the sex toy is that one can craft with it.

Many of the stories in this volume also pick up on the notion that dwarven societal gender and biological sex characteristics may not be divided along the same lines as humans, and gay, lesbian, and genderqueer themes are amply represented in these stories. All the stories are magical, whether they touch on the modern world or delve deep into the realms of high fantasy. Some are bawdy, some are darker in tone–all are sizzling with sexuality.

Includes the stories:
Stolen Days by TS Porter
Rainbows in Hollywood by Lacie M. Jeffers
Ash and Elm by Bess Lyre
Wizard’s Staff by Julie Cox
Cave Dwellers by Alanna McFall
To Those Who Move Mountains by Jason Carpenter
Don’t Screw the Messenger by Jessica McHugh
Of Greed and Eager Things by Edda Grenade

Read on for a hot excerpt from Wizard’s Staff…

Next to Borabi, I was short. Not that I was tall next to most other people, either, but Borabi’s long limbs were a dramatic contrast to my stocky build. He was lithe and graceful until he was startled, then those limbs went flailing everywhere like a colt’s. When that happened, I laughed, and he scowled. Most of the time it was the other way around.

Like now. He writhed beneath me, a squirming mess of an elf, his breath hitching as he tried to stop himself from laughing. I held the paintbrush away from him and cuffed his pointed ear.

“Stop moving,” I said. “These runes are very precise. I don’t want to open a portal to some demonic realm because you’re ticklish.”

Continue reading New Book: Hard as Stone: Dwarven Erotica

Halloween Microfiction: Listen by Michelle J. Norton

by Michelle J. Norton

Listen closely to the whispers.

She runs through the woods as her mother’s warning echoes through her mind. Trees bolt past her on the worn stone path, cloak enshrouding her. The dark woods close about her. Soon the stones end and the path becomes dirt. Her journey would take twenty minutes, thirty if she walked. She runs.

Continue reading Halloween Microfiction: Listen by Michelle J. Norton

Circlet Press 25th Anniversary: Week One Kickstarter Summary

Kickstarter week 1 progress


Things have been going swimmingly so far for the Circlet Press 25th anniversary anthology Kickstarter! At the end of Week One (of four) we’ve reached $4,118, which is over 40% of the way to our goal of $10,000–and 82% of the way to the minimum we have to reach to guarantee the anthology will happen! It’s looking really good!


The campaign’s first week included three fantastic essays from writers and editors in the science fiction/fantasy field (linked here):

  • Jennifer Stevenson, author of The Brass Bed, Trash Sex Magick, and more
  • Lawrence Schimel, author and editor of over 100 books, some published by Circlet
  • Warren Lapine, publisher of Wilder Publications, former editor of Absolute Magnitude


We also had two awesome “happy anniversary” messages from two awesome writers, Charlie Jane Anders (a founder of i09 and Nebula Award winning author of All the Birds in the Sky) and Mary Anne Mohanraj (founder of Strange Horizons, the SpecLit Foundation, DesiLit, and author of The Stars Change): Continue reading Circlet Press 25th Anniversary: Week One Kickstarter Summary

Check out the Schoolbooks and Sorcery Kickstarter

Take high school. It’s weird, confusing, complicated, and frustrating. It’s a time of growth and change, when teens start discovering what they’re made of and who they want to be. Now throw in magic. What happens? That’s the premise of this new YA anthology. Schoolbooks & Sorcery, edited by Michael Jones, is what happens when you take all the normal ups and downs of high school, inject a healthy dose of magic, shake, stir, and serve.

Schoolbooks & Sorcery is also a queer-friendly YA anthology, embracing the full spectrum of sexuality and gender identification, while offering a wide selection of satisfying, entertaining, fascinating, powerful stories in which the mundane and the magical overlap and interact.

With an all-star lineup of authors including Seanan McGuire, E. C. Meyers, and Nina Kiriki Hoffman,  Schoolbooks and Sorcery  takes place in the overlapping area between urban fantasy, high school, and LGBTQ issues and themes, sending the message that it’s not just okay to be gay, it’s okay to be gay and to have the same crazy, wicked, scary, seductive, exciting, magical, strange, funny, romantic, dark adventures as everyone else.

Sponsors can get various nifty swag as well as the book itself, and even copies of Michael’s previous anthology,  Scheherazade’s Facade.

Take a look at this amazing project!


Laura Antoniou, Midori, & Cecilia Tan Video “Telethon” for Patreon

This past weekend at the Fetish Fair Fleamarket in Rhode Island, Circlet’s founder Cecilia Tan got together with two of our authors, Midori and Laura Antoniou, to talk Patreon and crowdfunding. Each of these three women has their own Patreon campaigns and of course Circlet Press has one of our own! Become a Patreon supporter and for as little as a dollar a month you can receive all kinds of perks from us or each of these fantastic folks.

Circlet Press:
Laura Antoniou:
Cecilia Tan:

Watch our “telethon” video below!

New book! The Ontological Engine stand-alone by Vinnie Tesla

Ebook $2.99
ISBN 978-1-61390-177-9
12,450 words

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Vinnie Tesla’s  novella of mad science, libidinousness, and…ducks?? is now available as its own e-book!  Previously appearing in Up for Grabs and The Erotofluidic Age, The Ontological Engine has been singled out for praise by reviewers who called it “bizarre and hilarious,” “magnificent,” and “excellent.”

Daedalus Tesla just wants to be left to his scientific research. The problem is, his Ontological Engine can only be powered by human beings in a state of extreme sexual excitement. And once you have one or two of those strapped down in your laboratory, people do start to talk.

To make matters worse, the ontological forces he is studying are strange and unpredictable. And the line between experimenter and experiment may blur quite unexpectedly…

Read on for a hot and humorous excerpt:

…Two days later, Victor notified me that Miss Pertwee would be visiting for a further tour of the grounds.

“Alone?” I asked, surprised at his resource.

“I assured the vicar that my patron, the esteemed and wealthy Daedalus Tesla, would be in attendance at all times.”

With diligence, we completed several new, more robust Erotometers before the appointed time. We were upstairs in time to receive our guest, who, removed from her father’s baleful penumbra, proved herself to be a reasonably charming young lady, bright and warm of manner, albeit with a sprinkling of freckles about her nose that bespoke an unseemly degree of exposure to sunlight.

After a short time, I excused myself, citing pressing work, and admonished the youths to be on their very best behavior.

Continue reading New book! The Ontological Engine stand-alone by Vinnie Tesla