Tag Archives: tpb serial

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 47

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Forty-Seven: Kenet

47: Kenet


Marksin could tell the moment he stepped into the tent that something had changed. I felt my own pulse pound in my ears as he sank to his knees with perfect grace in front of us. I felt like an unruly beast myself in comparison, but perhaps that was true. I was a barely broken-in yearling, while he was a prized war mount.

“Do you wish to see the rest of him?” the general asked me, as if I had not already seen all of him before. That was the thing, I suppose. Each time was a new time.

“Yes, Sir,” I said.

“Go on and take his shirt,” he urged in a low voice. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 47

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 46

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Forty-Six: Jorin

46: Jorin


I spent the night restless, expecting at any moment Sergetten might come back and plough me. I tugged at the collar around my neck, quite sure that it was too tight by just a bit, not enough to be dangerous, just enough to annoy. I lay there wondering what kind of magic he would ply in the name of my “training” and what cruelties he might visit on me. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 46

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 45

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Forty-Five: Kenet

45: Kenet


Marksin and I were bent over requisitions and charts the next evening when the general came in.

Marksin set aside his ink. “Tell the general what you have concluded, Page.”

I looked up in surprise. “Concluded?”

“Just a while ago, from your figures.”

Roichal just looked at me expectantly, his hands clasped behind his back. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 45

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 44

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Forty-Four: Jorin

44: Jorin


Sergetten harrumphed. “Wash. Wash yourself well, dirt-eater. And be ready at sundown.” He left us, then, the tent flapping shut behind him.

“Shall I come with you?” Kan asked.

I shook my head. “And be tempted into taking me for the last time, again? No, Kan. Let me go.”

He ran his fingers through my hair. “You are such a brave beast.”

“I am not. I have no choice.” Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 44

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 43

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Forty-Three: Kenet

43: Kenet


I was accompanying the general the next day, on horse, as he greeted another battalion commander just arriving from an area near the Frangi border. The commander was a grizzled old soldier with one eye named Harman, and it was clear he and Roichal had known each other for many a year. I had barely dismounted from my horse when they were embracing, beating upon one another’s backs.

“I have something to show you,” Harman said. His voice was as rough as his face. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 43

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 42

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Forty-Two: Jorin

42: Jorin


A man on horseback approached, more than that I did not know. We each stood at the ready, weapons drawn, and I wondered if we should be hiding behind trees. But then Kan raised his hand and Sergetten did the same, each whispering words in a language I did not recognize, and I looked around us in amazement as each man seemed to melt into shadow, myself included. No wonder the Night Riders had eluded their pursuers for so long.

We held our breath, for though we were invisible now, the camp was still easily discovered by anyone who came through this section of the woods. I could hear the steady tramp of a horse. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 42

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 41

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Forty-One: Kenet

41: Kenet


The next morning I opened my eyes expecting to find Marksin lying next to the pallet, but he was already up and about. The general stirred the moment I moved, and seemed much revived, claiming it had been the best night’s sleep he’d had since before the war had begun. His leg was stronger, and in the afternoon he and three commanders rode up onto a nearby ridge to survey the army from there. I stayed behind with Marksin. Neither he, nor the general, said a word about what had happened the night before, but Marksin and I acknowledged each other with a shared glance from time to time.

While the surveying was going on, Marksin enlisted my aid in paperwork, for I could read, write, and figure sums. “Each battalion will eat two bullocks a day, right down to the hooves,” he told me, “so figure for me how many head of cattle we shall need to feed the entire encampment for two more weeks.” Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 41

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 40

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Forty: Jorin

40: Jorin


I went to Gresh. Somehow, I knew if I was to find an ally among the Night Riders against Sergetten, he would be the most likely candidate.

I was correct. I shared some cold bread with him as dawn broke and Kan and Sergetten were still in hushed, vehement conference. We sat on fallen logs and broke out the rations, waiting for the others to join us. There would be no cooking fire this morning while we hid from detection. “So,” I said, carefully at first, “Sergetten is Kan’s mentor in Night Magic?” Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 40

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 39

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Thirty-Nine: Kenet

39: Kenet


The general let Marksin free of the kiss, patted me once more on the shoulder, then fell backwards onto the sleeping pallet, already unconscious. Marksin and I stared at one another for a moment, then by some silent mutual agreement we set about getting Roichal out of his jacket and into a better sleeping position.

I looked with some dismay at the sleeping pallet. “There is only room for two…” Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 39

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 38

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Thirty-Eight: Jorin

38: Jorin


I could not move, I was so spent. But someone was lifting me off of Willim, and someone else was washing my chest with a wet cloth… and it felt like they all still wanted to touch me. We were still in the dell where fight practice had happened, and where we had just spilled our milk simultaneously. “I’m sorry,” I said, when I finally could speak, though I kept my eyes closed. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Shush, you,” Kan said. “I didn’t think. It was stupid of us to have aroused you so.”

Willim was still wrapped partway around me, or so it felt like. “Will someone please explain to me what just happened? Not that it wasn’t quite enjoyable.” Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 38