Cats of Circlet VI: Dog License Renewed


Editing whirlwind Jennifer Levine, responsible, most recently, for Nights of the Round Table, sends Nyxa, doing her impression of a writer asking for a deadline extension.

Nisi Shawl, contributor to Like a Coming Wave and author of the highly-anticipated forthcoming Everfair (check out the Goodreads giveaway) sends a picture of Minnie:


Cameron Quintain sends a photo of Top Cat refreshing his memory of The Viscountess Investigates in preparation for the forthcoming sequel.


Circlet Lord High Everything Else Arabella Flynn, editrix of Jingle Balls, sent a photo of Duke Dimwit of Flathead. (not pictured: Grue, Xyzzy, Plugh)


And last but numerousest, here’s Michael Jones (Puxhill By Night)’s Molly, Gideon, Sebastian, and Virgil, with a flying squirrel (name unknown).

Our caption contest is still going! Suggest a caption for any of these photos in the comments below, and win a copy of our limited-release Steampunk Bundle. And come back tomorrow for Day Seven of our Week of Fuzziness!

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