The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 16

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Sixteen: Kenet

16: Kenet


My father and I went riding together, over West Hill, the next time we met. His moods had not improved lately, yet he still insisted we spend this time together, as designated, every week. The air was warming nicely now, the frits nesting and full summer not long off.

“I hear that there is a grain shortage,” I said to him.

“Where did you hear that?” He rode with one hand holding the reins, the other on the pommel of his sword. The path the horses climbed was too narrow here for us to go side by side, so he went first.

“Here and there.” Jorin had told me he had heard it from the guards. “Is it true?” Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 16

Capricious: Chapter 8

Welcome to Capricious by Julie Cox, a Texan tale of love and magic. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Tuesday. This week is Chapter Eight. Listen to the audio version at Nobilis Erotica here!

Chapter 8


Luke grabbed the shotgun that was always right inside the door and was off the porch before he realized it was full dark, with only the waning gibbous moon lighting the scene before him. The screams in the yard were garbled, inhuman, but easy enough to pinpoint. Saul wrestled with a creature in the moonlight, his bright white fur streaked with something darker. Luke raised the gun. Continue reading Capricious: Chapter 8

Incubus Tales: Chapter 3

Welcome to Incubus Tales: A Thousand Words by Hushicho. In Noctemberg, it is always night. Dhiar, proprietor and gay incubus, welcomes you to Phantasies, a very special shop. Sensuality is more than just Dhiar’s stock in trade, it is his raison d’être. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Thursdays. This week is Chapter Three.

3rd Night—Feel It

They had enjoyed drinks together at the club. The only thing left over was an empty beer bottle, rested on the counter beside the register. No need for fresh drinks. Their thirst had found other means.

It was cold outside. It was always fairly cool, being subterranean, but sometimes certain features of the city—and of course, stray magic residue—led to variation in temperature, however subtle. The most delightful thing about Noctemburg’s unique weather, in Dhiar’s mind, was the fact that it could and did rain, thanks to underground water sources and natural condensation. At certain times of the year, mist blanketed city streets like spun cotton. He felt like he was crawling in bedclothes, when he went out on those days. Continue reading Incubus Tales: Chapter 3