Tag Archives: Catt Kingsgrave

Shapeshifter Bundle Teasers #1: One Saved to the Sea by Catt Kingsgrave

This is the final month we’re offering our bargain-priced five-book shapeshifter ebook bundle. This week we’ll be posting a daily steamy excerpt  to give you a taste of how much awesome stuff is inside.

You can buy it right here for $5.99:
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or at your favorite e-book stores, such as Amazon, Smashwords, Kobo, or Barnes & Noble.

We start with Catt Kingsgrave’s lesbian love story set in the Orkney Islands, One Saved to the Sea:

Continue reading Shapeshifter Bundle Teasers #1: One Saved to the Sea by Catt Kingsgrave

Happy Boxing Day!

Happy 26th of December, loyal readers! Today is Boxing Day, which those of you in the Commonwealth countries will recognize as the day when tradespeople traditionally received gifts from their employers, and those of you in non-Commonwealth countries will recognize as a mysterious phrase that keeps occurring on your free gas station calendars for no apparent reason.

The small tokens given out on Boxing Day are known as ‘Christmas boxes’, which we here at Circlet thought was a smashing idea. So get yourself a 25% discount on a few of our favorite boxes — the lesbian-themed works One Saved To The Sea, Like A Trip Through The Mirror, and of course, the holiday classic Dyke The Halls — with the code NICELYWRAPPED.

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