Tag Archives: ninjas

New book! Silent Shadows Come: Erotic Tales of Ninjas

silent_shadows_come_cover_iconsizeSilent Shadows Come: Erotic Tales of Ninjas
edited by Jennifer Levine

$3.99 ebook download
ISBN 978-1-61390-123-6
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The ebook edition is also available at: Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo & AllRomanceEbooks.

Ninjas were historically spies and assassins, trained to blend in using disguises and stealth. Beyond these facts, we have only myth and legend, but there is unquestionably an element of the erotic, the mysterious, the fantastical, in the idea of the ninja. Stories by Hero Freyr, C.V. Madison, Emily Moreton, Nina Parker, Kaysee Renee Robichaud, and Vinnie Tesla.

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